Allez Ooop over the wall and off to the Yacht Club

Today was get the boat over the wall day.... Some photos....

In our backyard. Tiller dry-fitted. Ready for popping over the wall.

Looking pretty racy!  But she aint... shes heeeavy....

Noel and our "Wall-jumping Jig".  Thanks to Steve W for the idea.

Marcus supervises making path for the boat to the wall...

Arlene with Marcus and Basil: respectively Chief and Deputy technical advisers....
In the yard, before the troops descend....

..... and here they are, the "Wall-jumping crew":
L to R: Arlene, Peter S, Kevin McL, Chris, Kevin D, Ian,
Fat Chan, Win, King, Rocky, Peter C, Paolo, Noel (obsc), Bucket, Wolfie.

Wofie and Paolo looking critically at something... I think its the gudgeon
& pintle, which are not correct, I know: just there to fit the tiller.  This pair was the
only one in Hong Kong.  I have a set of three on order to fit later.
First move of the boat: off the cradle onto the ground for a rest...
L-R: Wolfie, Paolo, Bucket, Peter S, Chris, Kevin D, Kevin McL.

Another rest stop.  Boat has been turned around, facing wall, while we
position the cradle on some supports ready for the final push....
Kevin gives an early -- premature? -- "V" sign..
Others: Ian (obsc), Peter S, Kin, Fat Chan, Kevin D, Bucket, Benoit,
Kevin McG, Peter C.

Allez oop!... Chris, Fat Chan, Kevin D, hold balanced while rest of us run
around to the other side....

.... keep holding her fellas!  Just a bit to go... Chris, Kevin D, and Pete C....
well rush round to the other side....

... and here we are... the other side, ready to ease her down...
"Wall jumping Jig" making sure she doesnt tip over...
Remind SS builders:  the paint-work is not to the waterline;
will do final painting to DWL, more varnish coats, at the Club

Made it!
After a march through the bushes of the public Central Park at Siena One.
Sitting in her cradle by the roadside, waiting now for the crane-truck.
Rocky, Kevin McL (obsc), Paolo, Peter S, Chris, PF, Ian, Pete C, Kevin D, Bucket,
Benoit, Kin, Wing, Wolfie, Fat Chan, Noel.

Kevin and Lucas, giving the thumbs up

From my study, Gabrielle peeks out from the roadsides through the bamboo..

Crane Truck, with wireless controller.  How cool is that!...

Crane truck, lifts Gabrielle and cradle, easy....

Bye bye Gabrielle.... sniffle, sniffle... sad to see her go....

A big "Thanks" to all who helped out on the move over 
the wall: much appreciated!
After the move above, beer, bubbly & pizza on the newly-cleared back yard.  Pleasant day and feeling of achievement all round as the task was completed with relatively little hassle.
Now to make the mold for the lead keel/ballast and to find a boom and mast for the sloop rig...
Comments from the day:
From Paolo, a boatbuilder of yore: "The most impressive thing about this, is that you finished her!".  Not quite finished yet, Paolo, still have lead keel to pour, and mast to find...
From Wolfie, wooden boat owner & restorer: "You did a pretty good job, for a first boat."!.... [Later: Yes Wolfie, which is why Id rather like to build another! Especially Id like to have another go at planking -- where I made the biggest errors on this one -- to get the spiling, and plank dimensions closer to ideal. Related: Ill to do a "Lessons learnt" Page (aka "mea culpa") in due course]

On another tack....
From Benoit: "It looks like you bought her, new, from the shop."! [Thanks Benoit, sweet, but not quite... I wish!]

At 4:10 pm, today: message from Noel: "... the boat is in the boatyard now."
And here she is...
And here she is, amongst friends.... back of the Ship Shop, RHKYC.

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