Burning off The Christmas Dinner

With Christmas well and truly over it was time to get off the couch and back on the water.  I met up with Taran  and a long awaited meet up with Noel at The Knap around mid-day.  The waters look surprisingly calm, not what I expected from the forecast.  
Out on the water we paddled in silence for a while enjoying the calmness and quite.
We played in the flow around the tower at Aberthaw before venturing on to Llantiwt Major.

Taran ventured close to shore seeking out some play time.  Arriving at Llantwit there was a lot of surf breaking on the beach but me and Noel decided it wasnt worth the risk with our boats.
Time was pressing on and the short days meant we had to make our way back before darkness fell.
Waves were breaking on a shallow reef just off the Knap so we crept forward to check it out.  The low light prevented us seeing a wave approaching until it broke and scarred the life out of me and Noel, back paddling in fits of giggles.
We landed nicely through the surf on the soft sand, looking on in dismay at the steep climb up the beach.  An otherwise mundane paddle made all the better with good company.

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