Sunset Over Skomer

After Tarans speciality chili from a tin we packed up the van and parked up on the other side of St Brides Bay at Martins Haven.  To see Skomer Island and its neighbour Skokholm you need to take a short walk up the hill that blocks the view from the car park.
 Wild horses looking out to St Brides Bay and Stack Rocks beyond.
 Silhouette of Wooltack Point
 Skomer Island center and Ramsey Island in the distance to the left from Wooltack Point
 The Bishops on the horizon
Skomer Island with Mew Stone as the sun sets on the horizon over cows grazing on top of Wooltack Point

The sun remained hidden until it kissed the horizon, I dont think I have ever seen the sun so big.  We headed back to the van to plan the mornings outings...

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